Great to have you here!
Hello, I am Arshad. I strongly believe, "Lots can be achieved by clarity & simplification" and with this mantra I empower and coach people to achieve their goals. There is a missing link that differentiates good from great – I offer my business & people acumen through Claycan to build this link. I assist organizations in mapping their strategy and raising their bar to make them a part of the success marathon.
Gone are the days when HR was considered merely a support function. Today it has evolved as a business enabler. This era is intellectually driven where people are the engine of an organization. People are driven by emotions and so are the organization's leaders. If the two are not aligned, it leads to a chaotic scenario, obstructing its growth. I streamline the multi-fold emotions to weed out the conflicts and channelize the inherent strengths to create a healthy and happy work environment. And we all know that a successful organization is a reflection of happy employees.
Whilst my stint with MNCs viz. Patni Computers , Syntel, Marico and Hutchison in leadership roles, I always craved to extend my expertise beyond a single organization to the benefit of a larger group. That intrigued me to start Claycan. I adopt the industry best practices, blend it with my academic expertise which I carry from XLRI, give it a dash of human touch and serve a complete solution that meets my client's requirements.
Arshad Kamal Khan
Performance Coach